2017 FIBA European Youth Championships

U16 Men European Championship 2017(Div B)

10.-19.08.2017, Sofia/ Bulgaria

Group D: Kosovo, Georgia, Great Britain, Luxembourg, MKD, Portugal


U16 Women European Championship 2017 (Div B)

17.-26.08.2017, Skopje/ Macedonia

Goup C: Sweden, Iceland, Greece, Israel, Luxembourg


U18 Women European Championship 2017 (Div B)

04.-13.08.2017, Dublin/ Ireland

Group A: Poland, Portugal, Finland, Luxembourg, Estonia, Bulgaria


As the 2016 U18 Men European Championship Div A was postponed, the draw for the 2017 U18 Men European Championships will take place end of January 2017.



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Par FLBB , le 10/12/2016 à 16:17