Contern and Arantia book their play-off ticket

On Friday evening, the double game in the men’s LBBL started with game day 19.

Sparta Bertrange – Basket Esch 76:75
– Sparta improves to 8:11 and earns big points in the play-off race, Esch has a 12:7 record after this loss
– Thomas Grün had a chance to tie or win with 3 free throws, but he only made 1 and Sparta survived to take the victory behind Isaiah White’s big game (23 points, 16 rebounds), Yannick Verbeelen added 18

Résidence Walfer – Mambra Mamer 64:77
– Mamer improves to 7:12 and stays in the play-off race, Résidence has a 11:8 record after this loss
– Courvoisler missed the game for Walfer, Lavone Holland scored a team-high 28 points

Etzella Ettelbruck – Musel Pikes 106:75
– Etzella improves to 15:4 and keeps the chances alive to catch Amicale on top of the standings, the Musel Pikes remain on the bottom of the league standings with a 4:15 record
– Jimmie Taylor led Etzella with 34 points

Kordall Steelers – Arantia Larochette 85:96
– Arantia improves to 10:9 and enters the play-offs, Kordall has a 5:15 record after this loss
– John Stith (24) and Ryan Ogden (21) combined for 45 points as Arantia created a big lead early in the game, Sleva missed his second straight game for Kordall

AB Contern – T71 Dudelange 83:50
– Contern improves to 11:8 and enters the play-offs, Dudelange’s record drops to 11:8 so that both teams are tied at the moment, Contern earns the direct comparison
– Greg Milton scored 28 points, Contern won the second quarter 35:7 (!) to create the decisive lead

Amicale Steinsel – Gréngewald Hueschtert 90:54
– Amicale remains on top of the standings (16:3), Gréngewald has a 5:15 record after this loss
– Jarvis Williams led Amicale with 28 points

On Sunday, game day 20 will be on the schedule. Sparta and Mamer will continue to fight for the last available play-off spot, Mamer needs to put pressure on Sparta with a win against Contern, Sparta will not play on Sunday.

On Sunday:
16:30 Basket Esch – Résidence Walfer
17:00 Mambra Mamer – AB Contern
17:00 Musel Pikes – Amicale Steinsel
18:00 T71 Dudelange – Etzella Ettelbruck

In the women’s LBBL, game day 17 started with 2 games on Friday.

Amicale Steinsel – Musel Pikes91:68
– Amicale improves to 9:6 while the Musel Pikes have a 2:13 record after this game
– Mikayla Ferenz scored 41 points and hit 9 out of 10 three-point-attempts

AB Contern – T71 Dudelange 73:70
– Contern improves to 9:6 while T71’s record drops to 11:4
– Karly Murphy scored 30 points to lead her team

On Saturday:
19:00 Les Sangliers Wiltz – Gréngewald Hueschtert

Par FLBB , le 09/02/2024 à 22:31