FIBA U17 skills challenge (VIDEO)

Eis U17-Meedercher maachen des Woch bei der « FIBA U17 skills challenge » mat, engem Skills-Parcours, wéi een en vum « NBA All Star day » kennt, awer mat e bessen anere Reegelen, virun allem ass et och en Team-Wettbewerb (um Video sinn d’Statiounen an Punktenverdeelung erkläert).

Eis U17-Meedercher maachen dëse Parcours an der Coque, si spillen folgend Matcher:
– Donneschdech um 12:00 Auer géint Portugal
– Donnechdes um 12:30 géint Lettland
– Fréides um 12:00 Auer géint Slowakei
– Fréides um 12:30 géint Georgien

Sollt Lëtzebuerg sech an senger Grupp duerchsetzen spillen eis Meedercher 1/2-Finall um Sonnden (13:30).

Matcher ginn vun FIBA-Arbitter begleet, Représentant fir Lëtzebuerg ass de Georges Wolzfeld.

Am Video ass och eng Erklärung an e « walk through » duerch de Parcours.

Reegel-Erklärungen vun der FIBA:
Competition Rules

Rule 1. The teams participating in each Skills Challenge of the Competition shall be composed of five (5) Players appearing on the relevant validated and approved Team Delegation Roster.

Rule 2. The court must be set up exactly as per the official court setup provided by FIBA.

Rule 3. The FIBA U17 Skills Challenge 2020 shall be played as follows:

3.1. The first player begins the challenge from the START position, behind the baseline and the count-up clock (official time) starts running when he/she crosses the baseline dribbling.

3.2. The player dribbles to Position 1 and has maximum three attempts to pass the ball through the target located at the Position 2 (three spare balls are available on the right side of Position 1). The task is completed either when the player hits the target or after 3 unsuccessful attempts. A successful attempt will be awarded 1 point.

3.3. After completing the passing challenge at Position 1, the player goes for a layup as shown in Figure 2. The player must score one successful attempt before continuing. No points shall be awarded for the successful attempt.

3.4. After scoring, the player dribbles towards the opposite basket around the five cones, starting from the right side of the first cone with both legs always passing around the cones (as per Figure 2).

3.5. After dribbling around the last cone, the player arrives to the Position 3 and takes a 2-point shot behind the free-throw line. If the Player scores on the first attempt, the Player wins 2 points for the Team. If not successful, he/she must score under the basket (no points are awarded).

3.6. After scoring, the Player picks up the ball, continues by dribbling to the Position 4 and takes a 3-point shot. If the Player scores on the first attempt, the Player wins 3 points for the Team, if not successful, he/she must score under the basket (no points are awarded).

3.7. After scoring, the player passes the ball to the next player, waiting at the START position behind the baseline. Once he/she receives the ball behind the baseline, he/she commences its turn by dribbling to Position 1 and following the same exact order as the previous player.

3.8. The challenge concludes after the 5th and last player scores his/her last basket and passes the ball to any other Player on his/her Team, who is waiting at the START position behind the baseline. The clock (official time) shall stop when the Player receives the ball.

Rule 4. The Final Score of a team is calculated by deducting the number of points accumulated during the Skills Challenge from the number of seconds needed to complete the Skills Challenge, displayed on the clock (official time).

Rule 5. When two (2) or more teams are competing, a team with the lowest final score wins the Skills Challenge.

Par FLBB , le 10/08/2020 à 13:43