T71: Mathieu Fivet new coach, Van Kleunen joins

T71 Dudelange announced on Thursday that the club has added Lauren VanKleunen for the upcoming season. The forward played for league rival Gréngewald Hueschtert in the 2023/24 season.

This is the next move in a busy off-season for the women’s vice-champion Dudelange. Sveni Nurenberg returns to her former club after 5 years in the USA, Ehis Etute (studies in USA), Nadia Mossong (career end) and Mandy Geniets (Amicale Steinsel) as well as head coach Jérôme Altmann will leave the team. The Belgian coach Mathieu Fivet will take over the team, he will be assisted by Alain Schaeffer who comes over from Zolwer.

Picture: Ant Deister, cup final 2024

Par FLBB , le 28/05/2024 à 19:32