Anne Simon is practicing with a mask at the moment

D’Anne Simon ass eng vun den Lëtzebuerger Spillerinnen déi den Moment am Ausland, an Amerika studéieren. Hat spillt vir d’Maine University an huet och schonn mat verschiddenen ganz staarken Leeschtungen iwwerzeegt.

Leider ass et awer och beim Anne eng onkloer Situatioun: « Normalerweis fänkt d’Saison den 25. November un. Den Moment waarden mir awer nach ëmmer op den GO vir deen Datum. Obwuel et am Allgemengen net einfach ass, kënnen mir awer trainéieren, mee mat Mask. Mir trainéieren den Moment 3 Deeg hannerteneen an dann hunn mir een Dag Paus. Um 12.30 geet et lass mat Kraafttraining vir ongeféier eng Stonn an duerno ginn mir dann an d’Hal wou mir bis ongeféier hallwer 5 Training hunn. Den 1ten an den 3ten Dag sinn meeschtens déi Deeg wou den Training am ustrengendsten ass. Den 2ten Dag ass meeschtens bëssen manner ustrengend, well mir do oft Video kucken an den Training méi reduzéiert ass. »

Mat Mask ze trainéieren, ass eng ganz ongewéinlech Situatioun, an awer behält een esou d’Méiglechkeet iwwerhaapt dierfen ze trainéieren. Dem Anne seng Coursen sinn den Moment all online, dowéinst probéiert hatt och seng sozial Kontakter op ee Minimum ze reduzéieren a just mat sengen Co-Equipieren a Kontakt ze kommen.


Anne Simon is one of our young and talented women players that are currently in the United States. She is playing at Maine University and has impressed already last season with some good performances.

However, the current situation is „unclear » as she says. „Normally, the season will start on the 25th of November. We have to wait for the approval on this date. The unknown situation does not keep us away from practicing, we are wearing our masks (picture). Right now, we always practice 3 days in a row and then we have 1 day without practice. We start at 12:30 with some weight training for about one hour and afterwards, we practice in the gym until 16:30. The practices on the 1st and 3rd day are harder while the 2nd day is a little bit easier with film sessions and a reduced training program.“

Practicing with masks is clearly an extraordinary situation but this allows the players to continue to work on their game and play basketball. Anne is also studying at the same time, all her courses are currently « online » so that „she reduces the contact with any students that do not play basketball in her team“.

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The situation for Ben Kovac in the Netherlands –> How is the situation for Ben Kovac in the Netherlands?

Par FLBB , le 10/11/2020 à 08:18