Abramavicius new head coach in Larochette

14 juin 2024
Arantia Larochette has found a new coach for its men's team. 35-year old Karolis Abramavicius (Lithuania) will take over the team and youth teams in the club. He will succeed C...

Die emotionale Saison des Publikumslieblings (Tageblatt.lu)

12 juin 2024
Es war die perfekte Saison, die Ben Kovac mit seinem Klub Patrioti Levice erlebte und die mit dem erhofften Double, dem dritten Titel binnen zwei Jahren, endete. Eine emotionale Sp...

Pictures of the U18 girls friendly games

12 juin 2024
Our U18 girls played friendly games against Champagne Basket (France), you can take a look at pictures by our photographer Ant Deister. PICTURES PICTURES 2...

FLBB Rising Stars Camp U14 – U16

12 juin 2024
We are pleased to inform you that registrations for the FLBB Rising Stars Camp U14 - U16 (Born between 2008 and 2011) are now open! The event will take place from July 13th to 1...

International coaching clinic on July 6th and 7th

12 juin 2024
In collaboration with FIBA, the national basketball federation FLBB organizes an international coaching clinic on July 6th and 7th in Oberanven. You can find the link to enroll ...

Mini-coaching weekend on June 29th and 30th

12 juin 2024
The FLBB will organize a Mini-coaching weekend in Mersch on June 29th and 30th with amongst others Maurizio Cremonini und Jürgen Maaßmann. You can enroll here ...

Coach Feyder extends contract, Wolff and Dumont join

12 juin 2024
Mike Feyder will continue to coach the women's team of Sparta Bertrange as the club announced on Wednesday evening. Feyder was one of 3 candidates to become the LBBL coach of the y...

Fiba Europe Cup qualifiers (results and pictures)

9 juin 2024
On Saturday and Sunday, our 3X3 national teams competed in the FIBA Europe Qup qualifiers in Prishtina (Kosovo). The roster of the women's team: The roster of the men's tea...

Dejworek new coach at Kordall

6 juin 2024
Philip Dejworek will coach the Kordall Steelers in the upcoming season. The former coach of the Musel Pikes leaves the LBBL club from Stadbredimus and joins the National 2 team for...

McDaniel joins Résidence Walfer

5 juin 2024
Billy McDaniel retired at the end of the 2023/24 season as a member of Mambra Mamer, but his return did not take much time as the 40-year old player will play for Résidence Walfer...

«Je repars à zéro» (lequotidien.lu)

31 mai 2024
Anne Simon va débuter sa carrière pro en Italie. L’internationale luxembourgeoise évoque ses premières impressions Article / interview --> article / interview lequotidien....

Nicole Torresani nominated for basketball without borders Europe

30 mai 2024
LBBL women's U21 player of the year, Nicole Torresani (Sparta Bertrange), who is just 16 years old, was nominated to participate in the basketball without borders camp that will be...

Mondorf extends contract with head coach Bob Adam

30 mai 2024
LBBL newcomer Avanti Mondorf has extended the contract with head coach Bob Adam for another season. Adam, a former national team player of Luxembourg, led the club to a promotion s...

Anne Simon joins San Martino in Italy

29 mai 2024
Our national team player Anne Simon (24) will play in Italy's first league in the upcoming season. After spending the past years at Maine university where she made plenty of headli...

T71: Mathieu Fivet new coach, Van Kleunen joins

28 mai 2024
T71 Dudelange announced on Thursday that the club has added Lauren VanKleunen for the upcoming season. The forward played for league rival Gréngewald Hueschtert in the 2023/24 sea...