On Thursday-evening, 2 games were played in the LBBL. In the men's league, Telstar was able to beat leader Résidence while the women from Steinsel won their first game with new he...
Les Musel Pikes viennent d'enchaîner deux victoires consécutives et reviennent à un point du Racing et d'Hesperange dans la lutte pour le maintien. De quoi redonner de l'élan a...
The U17 boys of Sparta Bertrange competed in the EYBL league in Poland over the last days. The team of coach Christophe Flammang played 5 games. „Our boys were able to gain impor...
All basketball games that should be played in Wiltz this Saturday and Sunday are cancelled. Due to technical difficulties with the baskets in the gym, no game can be played in the ...
The Musel Pikes have announced the signing of new head coach Milan Skobalj. He is an experienced 58-year old coach from Serbia.
Over the last weeks, Anan Majdi did the interim ...
Den T71 Diddeléng feiert säi 50-järeg Jubiläum. Dozou huet de Guy Seyler vum RTL Radio e Reportage gemaach, lauschtert Iech d'episod hei un --> reportage rtl Radio
The flood hit some parts of Luxembourg heavily in July. Sparta Bertrange announced that the flood also hit Centre Atert and the gym will not be available for some months, possibly ...
We have adapted some things on our website to make the website better for you. From now on, you can find a direct link to the RTL LIVE ARENA next to every game (picture). Furthermo...
The women's team of BBC Gréngewald Hueschtert will participate in the Euro Cup this month. In fact, the team of coach Hermann Paar will play one elimination game on the road again...
The basketball federation has worked out safety recommendations for practices over the next weeks/months. Furthermore, coaches can find pratice content to get ideas for their prati...
The FLBB informs that all games are cancelled this weekend, including games from the Total League. This decision has been taken after a discussion with the clubs on Friday-evening....
De Weekend, méi genau de Freiden-Owend, geet d'saison 2020/21 bei de Seniors-Ekippen un. Aktuell publizéieren d'Clibb an de soziale Medien, wéi een an d'Sportshalen erankënnt, ...
D'Saison 20/21 steet kuerz virun der Diir. Natirlech steet och de Basket wéinst dem Covid-19-Virus virun groussen Erausfuerderungen. Wéi mir beschtméiglech mam Virus an de Sport...
Dear all, léif Alleguerten Lehrgangstermine: 28.02.2015 und 07.03.15 im LCD Mersch ! Start: 9h00 LCD Mersch School open at 8h45 Tenue de sport ( sports...
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