Anstatt der erhofften Jubelszenen gab es am Sonntag in Bar nur traurige Gesichter. Ganz schwierig war es logischerweise, das Erlebte in Worte zu fassen. Der Traum einer möglichen ...
On Sunday afternoon, the women's national team played the sixth and final game of the FIBA 2025 Eurobasket qualifiers.
On the road in Montenegro, Luxembourg had the chance to wr...
Our women's national team will play the sixth and final game of the FIBA Eurobasket qualifiers on Sunday at 16:00 in Montenegro.
Live stream by RTL --> LIVE STREAM RTL (Komme...
Game day 20 was played in the men's Enovos League on Friday and Saturday. With 3 more remaining game days, the 8 play-off teams are known. However, the teams will try to improve th...
Die FLBB-Damen können weiterhin von einer historischen EM-Teilnahme träumen. Vor dem letzten Spiel in Montenegro führen sie die Tabelle noch an, aber am Sonntagnachmittag kann e...
Am Grupp H stinn d'FLBB-Damen op der éischter Plaz an et bleift just nach 1 Partie ze spillen - D’Finall géint Montenegro.
Artikel --> Et "gëtt e Kampf" géint Mont...
Our women's national team is one step away from writing Luxembourgish sports history. On Sunday, the team will play on the road in Montenegro with a chance to qualify for the Europ...
Gleich mehrere Luxemburgerinnen sind in den Statistiken der FIBA in der laufenden EM-Qualifikation weit oben zu finden. Mit ihrer Leistung von Donnerstag hat sich Anne Simon in den...
Ben Kovac and his team Besancon were in action on Friday evening.
Besancon was able to grab a 91:67 victory at home against St. Vallier. Our national team player scored 17 poin...
Our U16 girls played the second stage of the MEL tournament.
Coaching staff: „We hope to continue our good run so far, to reproduce good matches at a high level and to repres...
Our women's national team played the fifth game of the FIBA 2025 Eurobasket Qualifiers on Thursday. On the road in Bosnia, the FLBB squad dominated from the start and finally won 7...
Luxembourg was able to beat Bosnia 78:37 in the FIBA Eurobasket qualifiers. Anne Simon showed an amazing game on the road, scoring 25 points, 9 rebounds, 7 steals and 5 assists. Ta...
Die Freude nach dem Erfolg in Sarajevo war extrem. Das Team zeigte auch in seinen Reaktionen nach dem Spiel seinen enormen Zusammenhalt. Unisono wurde das Kollektiv hervorgehoben.
Anne Simon ist nach dem Kantersieg gegen Bosnien-Herzegowina stolz auf ihre Mannschaft. Die Basketballerinnen sind jetzt gegen Montenegro gefordert.
Artikel wort (+) --> Rechnen...
It is GAMEDAY for our women's national team! At 18:00, the game in Bosnia will tip off, much has been written and said about the historical chance of the team, now it is time that ...
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