Julija Vujakovic: „I am happy that I can play basketball at the moment »

D’Julija Vujakovic spillt Basket a studéiert op der Housten Baptist University an Amerika. D’Spillerin vun Walfer ass den Moment an der voller Preparatioun vir d’Saison.

« Mir trainéieren den Moment normal, wéi soss och, den éischten Match vun der Saison steet nämlech gläich virun der Dier. Den eenzegen Problem oder Ännerung déi et den Moment bei eis gëtt, ass dassen mir d’Mask och wärend dem Training mussen undoen. Amfong ass d’Liewen hei par Rapport zu deenen leschten Joren duerch COVID net vill geännert. Et muss een eben just ëmmer egal wou een higeet seng Mask undinn. Mir ginn een Mol d’Woch getest. Leider haten mir och keng Chance an mir haten e puer Spillerinnen, déi positiv getest goufen. Sie missten dunn och vir 14 Deeg a Quarantaine. Mëttlerweil ass awer jiddereen erëm raus, sou dass mir erëm normal trainéieren kënnen. Ab nächster Woch ginn mir dann awer 3 Mol d’Woch getest, well d’Matcher den 25ten November ufänken. Et ass bis elo awer nach ëmmer onkloer wéi an ob eis Matcher gespillt ginn. Mir hoffen natierlech, dass d’Saison net gestoppt/ofgebrach gëtt a mir kennen weider spillen. Ech hunn nämlech gesinn, dass an Europa verschidden Ligen gestoppt oder annuléiert ginn sinn, wat a mengen Aen schued ass, well de Sport awer ee ganz groussen Aspekt an eisem Liewen ass. Ech sinn dankbar, dass ech d’Méiglechkeet hunn Basket ze spillen, well ech net wierklech wéisst wat ech soss mat menger Zäit sollt ufänken ».

Nieft dem Basket, studéiert d’Julija och. Duerch déi momentan Situatioun, ass d’Hallschent vun den Coursen awer och online. Vir weider säin Visum internationalen Student kënnen ze kréien als , muss hat minimum een Mol d’Woch an de Cours goen.


Julija Vujakovic is studying and playing basketball at the Houston Baptist University in the United States. The former player of Résidence Walferdange is currently in the middle of the preparation for the upcoming season.

„At the moment, we are practicing quite normally and we are in the middle of our preparation as the first game of the season is approaching. One main challenge at the moment is that we have to practice with masks. In the United States, life is not really different compared to previous years, you only have to wear a mask at all times when you leave your home. We are being tested once a week and unfortunately, we had Covid-cases in our team and those players had to go to quarantine for 14 days, but now all our players are available. With the start of next week, we will be tested 3 times per week because the games will start on the 25th of November. However, it is still unclear if and how our regular games will be organized. We hope that playing basketball games will be possible. I have heard that in Europe, the situation is different and some teams and leagues have cancelled or interrupted their season which is sad in my opinion because sport is such a big and important part of our life. I am thankful that I have to chance to play basketball at the moment because I do not know what else I would do with my time. »

Next to basketball, Vujakovic is also studying and her courses have started, but half of them are online-courses. She has to be present in at least one class per week as an international student to continue to get the visum.

Other articles about our players abroad:
Alex Laurent –> Alex Laurent: „We are happy that we can continue to play”

Ben Kovac –> How is the situation for Ben Kovac in the Netherlands?

Lisa Jablonowski –> Lisa Jablonowsi is feeling more and more comfortable in Italy

Anne Simon –> Anne Simon is practicing with a mask at the moment

Par FLBB , le 11/11/2020 à 18:50