Oliver Vujakovic: ,,My coach has a lot of confidence in me‘‘

Den Olivier Vujakovic spillt an studéiert nach ee Joer an Eisterreich vir d’Swarco Raiders Tirol. Mëttlerweil huet eisen Nationalspiller eng wichteg Roll an der Equipe kritt an ass een vun den Top scorers an Rebounders.

« Mir hunn des Saison par Rapport zur Leschter gutt ugefaange, mat 3 gewonnenen Matcher an 3 verluerenen Matcher. Vun deenen 3 déi mer verluer hunn, haten mer awer bei 2 Matcher d’Chance ze gewannen. Déi lescht Wochen ass eis Equipe zesummen gewuess an och d’Intensitéit um Training ee gutt Stéck an d’Luucht gangen. Mir kruten e puer nei, staark Spiller bei an dat weist sech dann och direkt um Terrain. Perséinlech sinn ech och mega zefridden, well mäin Trainer mir immens vill Vertrauen schenkt an ech doduerch och méi Minutten kréien an ee bessert Gefill um Terrain hunn. Am Grousse Ganzen sinn ech zouversiichtlech, dassen mir des Saison Matcher géint Top Equippen aus der Liga kënnen gewannen. Virun allem wann mir weider un eiser Defense schaffen, well Offensiv sinn mir schonn zimmlech staark. »

« Wat d’Covid-19 Situatioun ugeet, haten mir bis elo nach keng Problemer. Mir haten nach kee positiven Fall an der Equipe. Aner Equippen haten do awer net esou vill Chance an verschidden Matcher hunn och schonn missten ofgesot ginn. » Duerch déi héich Inflatiounszuelen huet d’Eisterreich och decidéiert d’Amateur Ligaen ze stoppen. Déi 2. Liga hei ass keng Profi-Liga, dowéinst ass alles gestoppt ginn. D’Clibb hunn awer zesummen ee Konzept ausgeschafft a kruten och elo grëng Luucht vir kënnen weider ze spillen ( B2L ist Spitzensport – Neues Konzept ermöglicht Spielbetrieb in zweiter Liga. « Mir sinn wieklech frou gewiecht, dass eis Liga een Konzept ausgeschafft huet a mir esou lo erëm d’Méiglechkeet hunn ze trainéieren an ze spillen ».

Dem Olivier Vujakovic seng Equipe war frou erëm dierfen ze spillen. Des Freed gouf awer net an der ganzer Liga gedeelt, duerch finanziell Grënn, esou dass 2. Liga elo nëmmen nach mat 10 Equippen 2020/2021 wäert spillen. Déi 2 Equippen déi elo net méi spillen, wäerten awer net falen. « Ech hoffen einfach, dass jiddereen gesond bléift an dass sou lues erëm ebëssen Normalitéit an eist Liewen zeréck kennt ».

Den Olivier trefft an 2 Wochen dann zu Wien op den Recht vun der Nationalequipe vu wou si zesummen an d’Slowakei fueren.

Oliver Vujakovic is playing and studying another year in Austria for the Swarco Raiders Tirol. Our national team player has become a very important player in Tirol and one of their main scorers and rebounders.

This season:

„We have played well so far as a team this season, our record (3 wins, 3 losses) is good compared to last season. Furthermore, we had a chance to win in 2 of our 3 defeats on the road. Over the last weeks, our team has grown together and the intensity in our practiced increases daily. We have added strong players to our roster and this shows now on the court. Personally, I am also satisfied, my coach has a lot of confidence in me and so my playing time is high which helps me to find my rhythm. All in all, I have the feeling that we will be able to beat some of the top teams this season, especially if our defense continues to get better. Offensively, we are a strong team already.“


„The covid.19-situation has not been problematic for our team until now as we did not have a positive case so far, but other teams have had difficult situations and many games were cancelled.“ Because of the rising cases in Austria, the government decided to stop amateur sport. The second league is not a professional league and therefore the competitions were paused last week. But the clubs from the second league worked out a concept and received green light to continue ( B2L ist Spitzensport – Neues Konzept ermöglicht Spielbetrieb in zweiter Liga ) „We are very happy that our league was able to work on a concept to be considered as a professional league and now we are able to pratice and play.“

The situation of the league:

Oliver Vujakovic’s team was happy to continue to play. However, not all teams from the second league had the same opinion and stopped their season, mainly because of financial reasons so that the league will continue with only 10 teams in the 2020/21 season. The two teams that stopped the season will, however, not relegate. „I hope that everybody stays healthy and that we can there will be normality in all aspects in our lives very soon », says our national team who will join the national team in 2 weeks in Vienna.

Alex Laurent –> Alex Laurent: „We are happy that we can continue to play”

Ben Kovac –> How is the situation for Ben Kovac in the Netherlands?

Lisa Jablonowski –> Lisa Jablonowsi is feeling more and more comfortable in Italy

Anne Simon –> Anne Simon is practicing with a mask at the moment

Par FLBB , le 11/11/2020 à 15:24