Am Donnerstagabend endet in Norwegen nicht nur die erste Vorqualifikationsrunde für die WM 2027, sondern auch die Nationalmannschaftskarriere eines Spielers, der die Entwicklung d...
On Thursday evening, Luxembourg's men's national team will be in action in the World Cup 2027 European pre-qualifiers. It is the fourth and final game of the competition for the FL...
Joy Baum returned to action last weekend after a long injury.
The 23-year old professional player scored 6 points (2/3 threes) in a 77:63 road victory for Limburg in the Nether...
After winning the first tournament in Hesperange earlier this season, our U18 team also won the second tournament of the EDL (European development league) on Sunday in Nancy.
Our men's national team will be in action on February 20th in Norway to finish the 2027 World Cup pre-qualification.
It will be the last game of Thomas Grün (29) in the dress of ...
Nach der Spielpause, bedingt durch die Zeitfenster der EM-Qualifikation der Nationalmannschaft, standen sich an diesem Wochenende die vier Topteams in zwei Vergleichen gegenüber. ...
After the national team break, the women's Enovos League returns with game day 3 of the second round of the regular season.
Les Sangliers Wiltz - Basket Esch 76:81
Magaly Meynadier and the Saarlouis Royals were in action on Saturday on the road in Nördlingen. In a close game, Saarlouis held on to win 67:64.
Magaly Meynadier came up clutc...
After historic Eurobaskt Qualifiers with 4 wins in 6 games, the women's national team jumps up 7 places in the newest FIBA World ranking.
Luxembourg is now classified 50th in t...
On Friday evening, Ben Kovac and Besancon were in action on the road against Boulogne. The team won 72:65 in a key game in the fight for the play-off-spots.
Kovac scored a team...
On Thursday, the Oregon Ducks were able to beat Washington 68:67 to clinch a spot in the Big Ten tournament.
Our national team player Ehis Etute scored 2 points and 2 rebounds ...
Während sich die Enovos League der Herren in die Länderspielpause verabschiedet hat, geht es bei den Damen, nach der Enttäuschung von Montenegro, mit dem Ligabetrieb weiter. Dab...
Arantia Larochette and the men's head coach Karolis Abramavicius have extended the contract for the upcoming 2025/26 season as the club announced on Thursday.
The men's head co...
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